: 385: Mega Team 3
gorey covers: 242: Gorey Covers
247: Gorey Covers Part 2
252: Gorey Covers Part 3
272: Gorey Covers Part 4
326: Gorey Covers Part 5
391: Gorey Covers Part 6
393: Gorey Covers Part 7
group comics: 212: fox handel macbeth
238: batch of comics
239: batch of comics two
244: batch of comics three
248: batch of comics four
250: Canadian stereotype fun
258: batch of comics five
266: batch of comics six
268: batch of comics 7
270: batch of comics 8
292: Batch of Comics 9
guest comics: 204: Guest Comic- Aaron Diaz
280: Guest comic - Rebecca Clements
287: Guest comic - Jess Fink (Darwin)
history: 1: Duchamp
2: Antoinette
3: Arnold
5: babbage
6: The peach basket man is hard done by
7: Henry and Thomas in: heartbreak hotel
8: bluenose
12: Charlie will ye no come back again
13: Connolly
14: Cook
15: corday
16: Diefenbaker
18: Disraeli
19: The Famous Edwin Booth
20: Elizabeth I the most eligible
21: Elizabeth I
22: Fleming you cannot deny the majesty
23: franklin
24: Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea
25: Genghis
26: george iv
27: Gettysburg
28: hastings
29: Henry VIII
30: Herodotus the Father of Lies
31: Hume
32: james joyce is going to corrupt you all
33: Kierkegaard
34: Kosciuszko
35: Lamarck
36: L'Anse Aux Meadows
37: Agnes Mcphail
38: Monash
39: Sylvanus Morley
40: musashi
41: Napoleon
42: Neitzsche in, 'Thereafter Pretentious Men May Quote Me Ad Nauseum'
43: Norton I, Emperor of these United States and Protector of Mexico
44: orwell
46: Robet Peel you can do it
47: plainsabraham
48: pompadour
49: primeministers
50: Richard iii
51: Riel
52: robespierre
53: robin hood breaketh the 4th wall
54: T Roosevelt
56: Mary Shelly Quite Contrary
57: Mary Sidney
58: Stan Rogers
59: St Francis
60: Stompin Tom the patriot
61: Nikola Tesla mad for science and the ladies mad for Nikola Tesla
62: Thomas at the El Dorado Saloon
63: trudeau
64: vikings
65: The Zhou Dynasty
112: missile crisis
164: nelsondeath
166: Queenston Heights
174: Mary Seacole
178: glencoe
180: Sam Steele
181: Diogenes
187: Victoria Day
205: Suffragettes
206: Billy Bishop
207: Bolivar and Sucre
208: Henson and Peary
209: Pope Action Comics
213: Poe and Verne
214: Kennedys
219: Beethoven
220: Norton
222: Burke and Hare
224: Requests!
228: hipsters one
229: hipsters two
230: Sexy Tudors
233: Montcalm
235: Lord Lovat
240: Rosalind Franklin
245: Susan B. Anthony for Kids
246: St. Francis and the Birds
251: Nero and Agrippina
254: vikings redone
255: peasant romance
256: Tesla, Marconi, Edison
257: Laura Secord
265: Pirates
269: Bell and Gray
273: French Revolution Comics
276: Jackson
277: Join Or Die
281: gangsters
282: Courtly Love
294: Lester Pearson
298: Young Ada Lovelace
300: Bess at Tilbury
302: Chopin and Liszt
307: Caesar, part two
309: Juarez and Maximilian
310: Greek Couples
312: Rum Rebellion
316: Tycho redone
318: Feynman
319: Shelley and Byron
320: Napoleon's height
321: Danton
332: Peasants #2
335: Dr. Sara Baker
342: A Medieval Film
345: Superquiz three - 1066
348: Anne of Cleves
349: Alexanders
353: Edward the Black Prince
354: Sexy Science
356: Ida B Wells
358: Beat Car Games
360: Lady of Shalott
364: Invasion of Canada
369: New Books for 2015
370: Tom Longboat
371: Monturiol
372: Founding Fathers in a mall
374: Katherine Sui Fun Cheung
375: Founding Fathers in an Amusement Park
377: Saint Cecilia
381: Bessie and Benkei
395: Joan of Arc
396: Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
397: Peasants #3
399: Mary Anning 1
400: King Baby
historydrawings: 148: cover
150: fight
152: Curies
153: oscarandbosie1
154: oscarandbosie2
155: patriot
156: You are trying to seduce me Albert
157: revolution time
158: Riel
159: Hitman Hart
160: victorians want tshirts
165: Queen Elizabeth Ruff
167: Anne
168: Charles I
169: Richard Coeur de Lion
170: Henry VIII
175: plantagenet family portrait
179: book
185: party boat
193: Micawber
226: Remembrance Day
274: croquet
333: napoleon drawing
337: the swing
392: Turner
historyfastcomics: 141: Richard II, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Ada Lovelace
142: Gough Whitlam, Harvey Milk, Isaac Newton
144: Catherine the Great, Sugihara Chiune
145: Tycho, Hatshepsut, Anne of Cleves
146: Vasa
147: Lenin, Cousteau, Polk
196: block8
249: sketch comics
267: sketchy comics
historynonsense: 134: garfield
135: napoleon's cookies
136: napoleonjosephine
137: nelson
138: queen mum
139: secord
140: washington sweet freedom
171: part one
172: part two
176: too much austen
177: aww napoleon
186: adams and franklin
literarure: 403: Wuthering Heights pt 6
literature: 4: Jane Austen
66: whale
120: fan novel
162: Horseman (omg shoes)
197: Fitzgeralds
202: Brontes
210: Watson and Holmes
231: Wells and Verne
253: 20 000 leagues
259: The Great Gatsby
262: Macbeth
263: Austen Mania
264: Holmes and Watson 2
283: King Lear
285: Dracula
286: Crusoe
288: Javert
303: Tiny Hermione
304: Caesar, part one
322: Wuthering Heights pt 1
323: Wuthering Heights pt 2
329: Wuthering Heights pt 3
350: The Secret Garden
355: Shane
359: Kokoro Pt 1
365: Kokoro Pt 2
373: Achilles
384: Cheshire Cat
388: Young Goodman Brown
401: Wuthering Heights pt 4
402: Wuthering Heights pt 5
merchandise fall 2015: 390: merch 2015
msnpaint: 77: baby
78: bear
79: cat
80: charlemagne
81: confidence
82: crazy hobo
83: drownin
84: farming
85: furries
86: garbage
87: girl
88: glasses
89: grandpa
90: granpa
91: laurier
92: louis
93: macarena
94: stepdancin
95: dance moves
96: Dupuis
97: Billy
98: Blossom
99: gorilla man
100: spring
101: birthday
102: terrorist
103: internet lady
104: burnt toast
105: zombies
106: greece
107: ourlove
108: pearson
109: pervbot
110: rabies
111: rap
113: sharks
114: makin toast
115: trudeau
116: voyageurs
nancy drew: 278: Nancy Drew 1
279: Nancy Drew 2
293: Nancy Drew 3
299: Nancy-tines
317: Nancy Drew 4
nonsense: 17: facebook
55: scrooge
117: chimney sweep
118: chimney sweep 2
119: Return of the Saucy Mermaids
121: JPII Pray
122: Minstrel
123: mermaid
124: mermaid boat
125: mountie duck
126: murphy brown
128: pope
129: sealausten
132: vagrant
133: volleyball
143: Wednesday runs
149: Salty Yarns
161: Carolers (To be the Best)
163: Santa
173: cat update
183: trek
188: mermaid story part one
189: mermaid story part two
190: mermaid story part three
191: mermaid story part four
192: mermaid story part five
194: mermaid story part six
195: mermaid story part seven
200: Dangerous Teen Wear
201: Bowie and a Western
203: Charlie and the turnip factory
215: Oct 1 hourlies
216: Oct 2 hourlies
217: Oct 3 hourlies
221: APE
227: fairy tales
234: familiar holiday faces
236: Christmas Eve
237: chimney sweep 3
243: Wolfman
261: King of Portland
271: Canada Day Lumberjacks
290: New York Sketches
291: Christmas 2005
296: Comics by Korean Children
297: 1980's Business Woman
301: Super Lady
306: will return
311: Strong Female Characters
314: Curly's Gold (book update)
315: Fop Gun
325: Nancy's Halloween Special
327: Nemesis
330: Holiday Sketches
331: velocipede
336: Strong Female Characters 2
338: Idler
340: 1812 argument
341: Straw Feminists
346: Cinderella
347: Nasty Boys
352: Spooky Postcards
357: Batch of comics 10
361: Broadside Ballads 1
362: Femme Fatale
363: House of Mulders
366: Broadside Ballads 2
367: Broadside Ballads - Turtle Party
368: Lady's Favor
376: the Enchantress
378: The Princess and the Pony
379: Society Day, Death's Head
380: S. Truth, Jenkins
382: Straw Feminists 2
383: Book Tour 2015
386: Baby in a Corner
387: VP drawing
389: coxcomb
394: American Manners
398: Cloak and Dagger
404: Away From Desk
pony: 127: pony hitman
130: shetland
131: In Service of the King
211: Pony Prince
284: Pony Returns
339: pony meets a ghost
Quiz: 343: Superquiz one
344: Superquiz Two (Halloween)
superhero: 45: wonder woman
225: Wonder Woman
260: Aquaman
275: X-Men, Wonder Woman
295: Sexy Batman
305: Lois Lane
308: Spiderman
324: Kraven the Hunter
328: Wonder Woman
351: Black Canary
teens: 199: Teen Comics
218: Teens Again
223: Mystery Solving Teens
241: Teens #4
289: Teens 5
313: Teens and more teens
youngerself: 67: drawing comics
68: Father's Day
69: A Young Professional
70: pibroch
71: planting
72: The racing champ
73: Younger self
74: swimming
75: treasure
76: girl's best friend
232: younger self advent
334: Birdhouse