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Kate Beaton
Every Lady Scientist Who Ever Did Anything (until recently).

The trouble with reading about a given woman's history who was born before your mom is that sometimes, they were hilarious, powerful, tough, loud, et cetera et cetera all good comic making material! But then sometimes, man, the main thing about them is that they just got screwed, big time. I think when I read about Rosalind Franklin, or Mary Anning, or whoever, of just how shitty stealing someone else's ideas really is. If I opened a newspaper and saw my comic in it signed by some random dude who was getting paid for it, I'd lose my cool! Dear readers, I would have an undignified tantrum. Wouldn't you?

I just confirmed that I am going to the Emerald City ComiCon in Seattle this March. Very exciting! I drove through Seattle once, so that visit didn't count.

Hey! Do you go to Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick? I did, a few years ago. I'm going there again for a little while (through to mid February) to be part of an artist in residence program! Look it up, look around, I'm pretty excited to return for a bit.

Hosting by Voxel


Lynn Allingham
John Allison
Dawn and Margie Beaton
Marc Bell
John Campbell
Scott Campbell
Ryan Carley
Anthony Clark
Rebecca Clements
Domitille Collardey
Jillian Comeau, Kim Carson and Michelle Skelding
Aaron Diaz
Jess Fink
Eric Feurstein
Brian Fukushima
Matt Forsythe
Sarah Glidden
Meredith Gran
Lisa Hanawalt
Dustin Harbin
Christopher Hastings
Emily Horne and Joey Comeau
Jon Klassen
Steve Lambke
Hope Larson
Joe List
David Malki
Phil McAndrew
Carolyn Merriman
Carly Monardo
Vicki Nerino
Ryan North
Ryan Pequin
Neil Rough
Jeffrey Rowland
Gabby Schulz
Smart and Bird
Nathan Stapley
Julia Wertz
Britt Wilson
Steve Wolfhard
Chip Zdarsky

Good comic shops that have taught me a thing or two:

The Beguiling, Toronto
Strange Adventures, Halifax
Legends Comics and Books, Victoria
Desert Island, Brooklyn

All content (c)2006-2018 Kate Beaton